Types of General Contracts

Contracts are essential legal documents that establish an agreement between two or more parties. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions that the parties must abide by, thus binding them to the contract`s obligations. The types of general contracts vary based on their specifics and the nature of the agreement between the parties involved. Whether you`re entering into a business deal or making a personal agreement, it`s crucial to understand the types of general contracts available. In this article, we`ll explore some of the most common types of general contracts.

1. Sales Contracts

Sales contracts are perhaps the most common type of general contract. They outline the terms and conditions of a purchase agreement between a buyer and a seller. The contract details what the buyer will receive, the price, payment method, and the terms of delivery of the purchased item. Sales contracts are essential for protecting both parties involved in the transaction.

2. Employment Contracts

Employment contracts are agreements between an employer and an employee. The contract outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including the employee`s duties, compensation package, benefits, and job description. Employment contracts are drafted to protect both the employer and the employee`s interests, ensuring a clear understanding of the relationship between the two.

3. Partnership Contracts

Partnership contracts are agreements between two or more parties who want to form a partnership. The agreement outlines the responsibilities and rights of each partner, the allocation of profits and losses, the duration of the partnership, and the terms of dissolving the partnership. Partnership contracts are essential in protecting the interests of all partners involved.

4. Service Contracts

A service contract is an agreement between a service provider and a customer. This type of contract outlines the specific services that the service provider will deliver, the payment terms, and any warranties or guarantees provided. Service contracts are essential in ensuring that the service provider delivers the services as promised and that the customer pays for the services received.

5. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA)

An NDA is an agreement between two or more parties that prohibit the sharing of confidential or sensitive information. The contract outlines the information that cannot be shared and the penalties for breaking the agreement. An NDA is crucial in protecting a company`s trade secrets, intellectual property, and other confidential information.


Contracts are essential legal documents that safeguard the interests of the parties involved in the agreement. The types of general contracts we`ve discussed in this article are some of the most common ones that you may come across. It`s essential to understand the specifics of each type of contract and ensure that you`re drafting or entering into an agreement that appropriately represents your interests. Having a clear understanding of the types of general contracts is essential, whether you`re entering into a personal or business agreement.